Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What happened

Lots of stuff happened during the time i did not blog so bear with me =)

What's happened to me that I am so weak to you... How many times has it been that I have again thought of you? For many days weeks months I have thought of you. I will not sing that this is love nor would I preach it. I would just say that you are someone special. Special enough that a few of your words and minutes make me think of you in hours. It's merely months that I've known you but yet you made a deep impression.

It would never work. That I definitely know it. I am a variable that is never constant. A variable with an array of values. You are just too good for me. It's also the circumstances that keeps it this way. How disastrous will it be if I actually tell how I feel to you even IF it is love? I would be an architect of my own destruction.

I know by some chance you will read this. I don't mind you reading this... I just mind that you know who you are...

Aiya aiya aiya don't mind the passage up there it's just a guy trying to be artistic with his hormones and nothing more... =)

That aside I am being tekan-ed by my superiors at my workplace (I am doin my attachment now =)) got a lot of stuff that I dun understand there la... wa lao eh .... and the hours there are like loooooong (0830 - 1800)... but oh well that's my choice as an IT professional... =(

To make matters worse... they are considering keeping me and my mates here in singapore for an additional month before we could actually go.... (and I just got my exit Permit approved :'( )

Few days ago I just went to East Coast Park with my church people =). It was quite fun really, I got back in touch with roller blading after such a long period of time. I still haven't lost it after these years (though I did have a bit of a fall). Really look forward to buying blades so that I don't need to use the crappy ones that I paid $7 to borrow(can someone say rip-off?).

Also helped Guy A (yay~ finally a guy) do his programming stuff for his assignment. This somehow brought me to think back to who I was 2 years ago. I remember that I knew jack about programming but here I am doing this in a matter of minutes~~~ Really thank God for this gift he has laid upon me (maybe it's because of one of the ideas concerning a bible game that I wanted to develop LOL)

Okie I am really tired now...(believe me you kids at school.... Please please cherish your time in school) I am writing gibberish in this post *screams*

Good night

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