Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The ten "intelligent" question that a christian should answer

Hello! finally updated this blog after like 1 1/2 months =\ but I am gonna keep this entry short cuz I am kinda supposed to be working here

this video is actually meant for my brothers and sisters in christ. I thought it quite interesting and that I should show it to you guys. Even if you're not christian, feel free to watch it. I can't have control of your mouse right? =)

note: This has not destroyed my faith in God in anyway or has it made me not want to go to church for I believe that God speaks louder than the ramblings of the atheist responsible for this video. This video is also not meant to destroy and existing faith you have nor is it to discourage or mock christianity. In fact it is to give a different viewpoint on it.

What do you guys think?

Anyways I am coming back to SG SOONNN!!!! FINALLY!!!! YAHOO!!!!!!

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