Sunday, May 13, 2007

End of FIrst week in Chengdu!! =)

Hello Hello Hello everyone!!!!! If I were still in Singapore I should be in church now =(. Along the way I don't seem to find any churches that I could go to. Even if so, I don't think that my friends would even want to accompany me to church( They would need to wake up quite early to do so). I'll just have to see how it goes then =)

I see you, I don't really know whether you really see me. If you do, I am afraid of my inability be a good image for you. Such inconfidence in myself is really frustrating to me. I hate my inconfidence in this matter. I hate my hate for the inconfidence i have. You 've treated me all too well. I really could not ask for more. I am afraid I could not give you anything if you'd ask for any.

Chengdu is really one heck of a magnificent city. Sure it is not clean as Singapore. The traffic is like Indonesia. Conmen are commonplace. But it is still magnificent. Thank God for this chance for me to see more things and actually learn how others live.

I realised that China is actually starting to block off blogger. I cannot go to my blog normally anymore =(. I could only go by "illegal" means. For what reason they blocked blogger? I have not $(#&*( idea.

I think I am just going to write it to here for now, nothing much to talk about =\.

MoonxEy3s signing off

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