Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Scary scary internet

Oh Thank God for Internet Explorer... If there's anything that sucked about Opera (Which is my default browser) It is that I can't seem to write non-chinese in blogger using Opera AAARRRGGGHHHH

Oh yea when you use your internet in China. EVERYTHING is in chinese >_<

Alrighty for those who have no idea what's going on right now I am currently and offically in CHina!!!! WOO HOO!!!!

But honestly there's still quite a lot of things to do here and most of all I need to blend in as one of the PRCs here. I hope that I do not compromise my morals and beliefs doing so =\ THis place is really really cool!!!! Really reminds me about the suburbs in Japan. Main difference? The cars go on pavements, a lot of things are termed differently here, foods are spicy(I am so glad I have indonesian blood in me). There are lots of things to learn. I just have to trust God and friends to lead me theough this period of time. Be it good or bad. God be with me =)

Thank God for the .net people that are already here! So so glad that they came here and not us. Must really thank them for actually being nice to help us around CHengdu =). I bet it would be quite havoc if we were the ones who come here. Wish there is something I could do for them as well.... Only time can tell.

Honestly I am just afraid. I am afraid of too many things. I can call myself the greatest cowrd on earth. No one can beat me. What am I afraid of? I am afraid of talking to a girl. I just wanna know her better and if possible be good friends with her but you know what? I get so scared of what happens around me if I actually do that. They say it's a blessing for one to think ahead. But I say that with this there is a curse for the things you want looks as if it will not happen. I am scared I am scared I am scared.

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