Thursday, May 10, 2007

Secrets of my Heart

I've got no idea what to do now. We may be close. But int the sense we may think it be. Are we still figments of our own imaginations? or has evolved into something of greater importance. I believe myself to be even more more emotional now.Are you thinking of me? Are you dreaming of me? I am at a lost. When God said man is weak. I agree. We are so weak that we need constant direction to point us. To point us to the right direction. Be it pleasant or unpleasant. I could only sit and wait.It really seems impossible. so far yet so near. so near yet so far.

As sad as it may seem. I can choose to trust the lord to help in times of trouble such as this. To save me from digging my grave even when I am conscious of it. To comfort me when all things are in deep $@&*^$*&@. I am glad for him to be in my life.

I am also glad for her. That she also gives me comfort too. For the Lord to put her in my life, I am grateful. Even though It may seems that it is impossible for us to be together. I just want her to be happy with whoever he is =). I don't know what kind of emotion I would give if I knew who he is. I hope I will not hate him but love him in turn. I pray and pray and pray very hard for this.

Life in CHengdu so far is pretty cool. Somehow I managed to withstand the spicy foods and all that.The mouth can tahan but I have seriously no idea whether the rest of the body can tahan or not. Especially my digestive system.

Money wise shouldn't be a problem. Everything is relatively cheaper and of much larger proportions. So much so tat I could not finish most of the food given to me >_<

work wise haven start anything yet =\ just got to know soe of the people here in the company. Hopefully can work well with them despite the language barrier >_<

M0onXEy3s signing off!

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