Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Life in Chengdu

How is it that I am blessed with you? When i have done so many wicked and horrible things in my life? Why did God give me such a blessing? I could never know the plans of his. I just wanna thank him and thank you for being with me. May it be this way till the next dawn and ever after for it has been and still is good.

How long has it been? 3 weeks? since I have left Singapore for Chengdu. I am still fine as always(Actually more than fine =) ). From the descriptions my friends here gave me about the place. I thought I would suffer quite ab it (mainly because of the food) but it turns out that it isn't so bad after all (I have after lived in worse conditions before).

Honestly when my friends all said that they have changed a lot in this trip, I am beginning to wonder what has changed for me too. I begin to think about how life would be like when I go back to Singapore. One things for sure I won't be hanging up with my usual clique in school anymore (Mainly due to the different electives and schedule that we are getting) Whether or not I will be lonely for school or not will be mystery. One thing's for sure... my cello is waiting for me in school (and the rantings of my conductor and teacher-in-charge) -.-!. I believe I've got much to catch up after not playing for so long. Hope the section still needs me >_<

My weekends might need a bit of an adjustment as well due to some commitments( Don't worry brothers, I am not skipping church) We'll just have to see how it goes.

Computer games don't carry that much appeal to me anymore. This I finally realised. I used to hold them in great regard during my early teens. Was able to play like 10 hours straight without eating or anything. Not to mention I always needed to buy new games and upgrade my hardware to match them. Now it just don't to have that much fun anymore. Hehz. Maybe it's the "distractions" here :P. But oh well I AM GLAD. Games don't control my life anymore( Though I am still available for a game DOTA and CS :P )

I miss my music.... a lot... I miss my guitar... :'(. It really angers me sometimes as It's here where I found an inspiration to actually write a song and my guitar IS NOT AVAILABLE. ARRGGGHHH. I miss my friends in sg tooo. I definitely miss my late nights crapping and laming with them.

2 more months...(well, approximately) I wanna go back but yet I don't.

Mo0nxEy3S signing off

ps:Oh yea... to those who were wondering whether or not I am attached.... I am right now =)
To a great girl name Fong Yee =))))))

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