Thursday, January 25, 2007

A buckload down the drain

Ah finally.... some time for myself.... and somemore time to bullshit...

The only way for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.

Once again hello again!! Yea the past few days have been quite hectic as I had to prepare for various tests and presentations and the like.... the good news is... I HAVE OFFICIALLY FINALLY FINISHED 3 OF MY MODULES!!! 4 MORE MODULES TO GO!!!!

Okie lemme back track to somewhere around sunday...

Sunday sucked bad... why? because of the pre-release. Damn I felt that I have wasted my $40 there (even though I still got the promo card and 2 boosters). My card pool that I got was actually quite messy and I could not make a proper deck with it...Damn... I shoulda spent more time to construct my deck properly... But o well it's over already ... Ijust need to remember that for my next pre-release...

okie... now today was also bad too...(other than my presentation =) ) We had this performance for the open house and we play "The Four Seasons". If you ask me, We played horribly. All of us did not look at conductor and all that and the rhythm was seriously off...

That being put aside... It was still better due to us having a bit more people now. I am also glad that my "successor" is also trying her best to make the club better.THere may still be hope yet. I do hope that we could improve ourselves even more and not be a letdown to the band anymore. I just hope that the other members share the same vision as us.

Well I'm not gonna write much today... quite tired(Haven had good sleep for days)

SO yea... i'm gonna sleep =) bye *yawn*zzzzzz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pow! powpowpowwwwww
