Monday, January 15, 2007

past to present

2nd Post!!!

Alright lemme confess something very very embarrassing. I actually took approx one hour to log into my blog account >_
Well I started through by logging in via the old blogger account thingy instead of the new Google account. SO..... I tried all sorts of usernames that I had used for various games and accounts from Bl@ck^Cr!mS0n to Mo0n^Ey3s. And got a lot of mails from the blogger support to retrieve my forgotten passwords. After lots of headaches and &(@#*&$(#$-ing. I tried the new account... and behold... I got in immediately... Which is like what.. now?!?!?!

zzz sometimes I feel my course is making me even more IT-iliterate than I originally am.(I am currently studying in IT)

But yea in one way I get to thank God for this "mishap" for I also found many blogs that I had authored long long time ago. I realised that I have changed a lot and My way of writing has kinda changed. Seriously my hair kinda stood when I saw what I wrote in the blogs. Lots of posts were negative with various "mood swing" posts in between many. Whether I have matured? I am not sure... But I am definitely sure I am nowhere as pessimistic and negative as I was 2 years ago.

In many ways today was pretty rushed. I had to rush out my test-scenarios for the User acceptance test and to study for my Digital Media Interaction Design(for more info, It's just common sense with a lot of dumb terms and jargon that's worth a rip-off amount of marks). I had to write out a draft for our Personal Development report(We're doing card magic, Thank God for the christmas movie I got some practice =) ). And yikes I still haven't done anything about my entrepreneurship report. And guess which educational institute I am? I am in a polytechnic in Sinapore (And I honestly though it would be slack)

I admire many people in this world. But yet it is not the powerful people that I admire, it's those who knows control and peace that I admire. Many people think that only the strong and the fittest can survive in this world. To a certain extent, I agree to that statement. But it is only the strong and the fittest THAT are meek and humble that I admire. For only the weak would succumb to acts of violence and pride and the string in control of themselves. Sometimes the greatest enemy of all man, is the devil within.

Oh yea I am currently also working on an e-mail to spread the gospel... thing is... I don't know exactly where to start and how to go about it. Honestly when I look all the way back into the beginning of my christian life, I knew God not through someone sharing the gospel to me, nor is it through church or sunday school. It was through music. I was "serving" in the chapel service in my old school(Saint Francis Methodist School). It was through that I finally got to know about this God ( even though i could never understand him). It was my curiousity that made me ask more and landed me to where I am. I am thankful really for my friends that brought me in.. I really should meet up with them someday.

Anyway back to point the idea is this. I will write down the gospel(trying to make it as friendly a possible so as not to piss people off).below I will write down my church address and timings for worship services and from which country that my church resides in (blog and telephone number too).I have a space below to let christian readers to write down their churches too. After that there will be a message requesting them to send to everyone they know and spread the good news to everyone in their address book(of course I won't write anything like "if you don't send this to at least 10 people you'll get bad luck or anything like that).

Yea so that should be what I have in mind... dear readers what do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha.. i think it's good. but u gotta be tactful. ask God for wisdom =)

and it'll be good if u write up on yourself. how you got to know God and your experiences.. like how things changed from then till now. i mean, in the blog yea. it'll be great =)