Sunday, January 28, 2007


I will always remember the smile, the hugs, the kisses and the moments shared together

Actually I kinda regret for the many stupid stuff that I have done to myself. The trends that I tried to follow. The idols that I tried to worship and be like. It made me wear so many masks. With each mask I wear I change my personality and traits. There was many a time when I wore too many masks at one go that I forgot Who I really was. It seemed that the real Huzaen was vanishing while the characteristic traits of the masks took his place. Who am I? I couldn't really answer that question.

Sure many know that I have had quite a number of girls liking me romantically. Whether or not they are serious is another matter. But they probably never really liked me. It might be the masks that suited their flow, their trend, their likings and loves. I have no idea how it works for a woman's mind and I have surely come to know it is useless for us martians to understand the venusians (men came from mars while women came from venus as they say). But I do know for sure, I was putting on different masks for different people to suit them and adapt to them. I have become a ditto for human beings. It was an internal personality battle that I broke down resolving the aftermath and pieces from that battle. Two times it happened, two times I lost something dear to me. All because of my masks.

As I went on to my tertiary level education, things slowly changed. One by one my masks slowly shattered and faded away. I couldn't be bothered. I just wanna be alone and be free. That was my only intent. One by One my masks shattered, Part by Part my true face showed. But is there even really a face left? It could be so that my face has moulded to much to the masks that there is nothing left within.My true face. Gone it may be. A face with ever-changing features but not one true. So hilarious it is that I don't even know how I look like. But what can I do? I just need to hold out the masks. till my face re-shapes again.

I find God very very generous. It's like I haven't given much to him but he still gives me everything that I have asked for. WHever I try to give my blessings away He will give me more. Really sometimes I feel God is mature and the same time a kid. But what could I say? He's not human and not to be applied by our usual context. When PIT told us to use our brains. I also feel like telling those people who looked down on God "use your brain!". For truly ye have never understood what is the meaning of limitless. The meaning of almighty and Lord of our reality itself. Get out of your narrow minds I beseech you. After all how can a limited mind like ours begin to comprehend the limitless Him?

A true king and ruler is not one who abuses his power and bullying others below him. But it is a powerful and strong king that serves and be humble to his people that is worthy to be a true king.

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