Sunday, January 28, 2007

It is finished!!!!

Why is it that you catch my eyes so?

The word infinite limits it's meaning itself


Pardon me... It has been very very long.....

Honestly now let's talk about women.

Why is it that I keep falling into these kind of entanglements? Of the matters of the heart? of the mind? of the flesh? seriously it is all too cryptic for me to know. It must be fate that made me this way. To place me in situations of which I would run away if I have a choice. But I do not have a choice. I cannot run away. I cannot run away from her or them. It's just like an invisible cage entrapping us both with blindfolds just for us to sense each of the others presence. Is it the mask you're after or me? Is it your mask I'm after or is it you? I want the answer but yet not the pain and sorrow. I want the answer but not the change that may bring. I want the answer but not the commitment that follows. I want the answer and too not the accompaniment that binds us together. Even so more complicated are the threads of kinship binding and connecting all of us together. So thin are they any wrong move snaps many.

Pardon me for the complicated paragraph... But this is the storms of my mind, you have been warned(by the top title =) )

Alright today was pretty alright la.... finished my J2EE project (hooray!!!! Banzai!!!!!) and among others I believe my magic trick(I call it the flipping card) is pretty much perfected =). I realised I need to play a bit more soccer though. I am getting quite out of touch(and playing in my leather shoes ain't a good idea).

Today while I was relaxing after the soccer match. I saw Girl D(another girl I am fond of but not romantically =) ) holding the Final theory book for driving. Which reminds me that I have not finished my course for driving yet!!!! Damn I need to start getting all those tests done and get my license done. I dun wanna waste money by spending another year in BBDC(Bukit Batok Driving Centre).

And talking about learning stuff. I seriously wanna learn more things!!!! I wann learn how to sing!!!! I wanna learn the harmonica!!!! I wanna learn the saxophone!!!!! I wanna learn the flute!!!!! I wanna learn the Piano!!!! AND SO MUCH FREAKIN MORE!!!! But yet I know I cannot have time(and the money) to learn all of it. I guess I'll have to take it one step at a time to learn them one by one.

With reference to the first paragraph, yea I do feel a bit love-sick. Probably because I feel too lonely. Probably of other reasons. I seriously don't know. But one thing i do know, I cannot do anything. I cannot risk this for it is not worth it. The seriousness might not even be there. But however it might even be there. So tough the matters of the heart I am speaking in cryptic again. But what can this sinner do? So hopeless am I I have no strength for this. I could only just pray......

I will start with my gifts you have given me for they will not go to waste

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