Sunday, February 18, 2007

Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year Everyone!!!!!!

Okie actually it's not really a happy season for me... Why? I don't know *($^@*(#^@#& Bahasa Indonesia!!!! *SCREAMS* It's like I am an exhibit every time I go visit my relatives la... And I never understand anything that they are saying :'(. SO it's pretty much getting $$$ for this season and not much meaning at all...(I am not a traditional kind of guy)

Valentine's day sucked... Not because I did not have a date or anything (Seriously Valentine's is one of the last days where you would want to have a date) but rather I had nothing to do due to the breakdown of my computer(It's fixed now btw). It's also a good thing cause I finally realise I rely a lot on the computer in my life... Maybe I should do something about it.(I had to resort to an antique Pentium one to get by lar... It's only equipped to do MSN and nothing else *sobz*)

Speaking about valentine's day. I feel that it does not even have a meaning. It's just like a reason for people to jack up prices to rip off more money from couples and the like. It's even worse when you live in Singapore where guys(most of the time) have to get really really creative just to have a "cheap" but fulfilling and fun date out with a girl. Oh well... Maybe I'm blabbering here because I have never spent my valentines with anyone.(But it does really make sense). But I strongly believe still that everyday should be a special day with your loved ones and not that they can only be appreciated when a special occasion arises. One good idea might be have a "special valentine's day" that is held any other day other than valentine's day =). (I am beginning not to make any sense)

Oh yea I'll prolly be playing this song for the next concert. Enjoy =)

The Two Cello Concerto by Vivaldi

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