Saturday, February 3, 2007


Alrighty lemme start the post off with a question to tickle your minds with

This is a question that was asked to kindergarten kids and to univerity students

90% of those kindergarten students who were questioned got this question correct

10% of those university students who were questions got this question correct

Here's the question:What is the phrase most used in english?

you have unlimited tries.

Hint:Think simple.

I see my life and I see how horrid it has been. I see it know what a fool I was for you are ripped my blindfolds right out. For that I thank you. But also for that I have guilt in my heart. Twice I have failed. Twice I have done something so foolish. I will never forget how I have forsaken the truth to hold on a lie just so that I could hold on to truth. It was actually all so simple but yet I made it all so complicated. It was already forgiven and forgotten and not talked about. But I can never do that.

Wah the past week have been quite boring. It's mainly a bit of cleaning up my program and all that. So I think I'm gonna just end my post here g'night =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
