Friday, February 9, 2007


Soetimes I just find it gross... Those people who act cute... I mean... I understand secondary school la.. but heck she's like in poly and still acting cute!!! eeeeee er xin!!(not talkin bout u, girl A =) ). Well I think it's just me bein too crappy. Maybe thats how she is.. BUT STILL!!!! EEEEEEEE!!! Man I got to learn how to get over these kind of things.

I have officially acted in such a dumb manner that i wasted my $15 on a cab to reach school at 8 when the lesson's actually starting at 10 *weeps*

When I view upon my christian life, in many ways I think about the jedi in star wars. Sure it's not a total likeness(actually it's just a very small small portion of likeness) but our lifestyle in many ways are quite similar. Everyday we are bombarded with many temptations and evils that will plunge us to the "dark side". That's how it is for me. Worse still I still do some bad stuff even though I KNOW they are bad. Sure God forgives me but I shouldn't take this for granted. I should change my ways and bad habits. Sure I have changed but it isn't a total makeover.

Only the weak shall succumb to violence

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