Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Nosey Parker...

Bleah it's now my hols already... not exactly my hols but yea I don't need to go to school regularly now.

Honestly sometimes when I try to interact with individuals of another gender. I tend to have this fear of what they think of me. No don't get me wrong, it's not that I want to appear as the number one eligible hunk or something like that. Nor am I afraid to show them who I truly am. It's just that I am afraid that they think that I am woo-ing or interested in them in some way. Maybe it's due to the fact that I do not really interact with girls in my early years. Maybe it's just that I am just too shy in front of almost any girl that I act like a total moron in front of them. Thus with each friendship with the other gender i tend to get a bit more colder and colder.

So if I have offended any of you ladies because of this. I sincerely apologise for being who I am.

That aside it's been pretty boring without any work in my hands(well other that the usual stuff). So I have recently been typing my name into various search engines.

Guess what? I stumbled onto a blog which were not meant for my eyes only. Don't get me wrong. It's nothing negative about me. It was quite positive.... no wait.... i rephrase.... VERY POSITIVE(get what I am trying to say?). It's kinda scared me off because I really do think who the author is writing about in that post is actually me due to the fact that we have quite a number of similarities(same school etc etc). And I am pretty sure only I have that name in that school(and the various factors)

It's no good thing. Because It's kinda her secret. And i stumbled in like a big buffoon.Good thing I am not close to her. I do hope that guy she wrote isn't me(Though I think chances are slim). I just hope I can be normal in front of her.

Nothing much is gonna happen now but yea it seems that I am gonna get more chances to serve now =) halleluyah! I just pray though that I would be acceptable. Whatever I do will be acceptable.

And oh yea... It's gonna be mugging period(but I have a feeling i'm gonna end up slacking through it again like my previous semesters)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.